donderdag 18 april 2013

Mindful schrijven- writing meditation

Als mijn gedachten heel onrustig zijn, als ik me niet gelukkig voel, lusteloos en inspiratieloos, doe ik een 'writing meditation'. De schrijfmeditatie die ik gebruik is de lovingkindness meditation. Dit is een variant op de metta-meditatie die ik in de mindfulnesstraining gebruik. 
De tekst is engels-talig maar je kan natuurlijk altijd een eigen tekst maken aan de hand van deze tekst.
Wat je doet is heel simpel: Je schrijft de tekst over. Je kan kiezen voor alles, maar het kan ook een klein stukje zijn of het eerste stuk (voor jezelf) een paar keer of misschien alles verdeeld over een paar dagen. 

Het is voor mij een prettige manier om tot mezelf te komen en weer liefde en vreugde te voelen. Probeer het maar eens......

May I be healthy and strong. May I be safe and protected. May I be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May I be happy and joyful. May I be patient and understanding. May I be loving, kind, compassionate, and gentle in my ways. May I be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May I be diligent and committed to my meditation practice, and to helping others along their spiritual path. May my True Nature shine through, and onto all beings I encounter.
Everyone in your house
May every person and living being in my house be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, compassionate, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their meditation practice, and to helping others along their spiritual path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.
Your neighborhood
May every person and living being in my neighborhood be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, compassionate, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their meditation practice, and to helping others along their spiritual path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.
The entire universe on all planes of existence
May every person and living being in the entire universe on all planes of existence be healthy and strong. May they be safe and protected. May they be peaceful and free from mental, emotional, and physical suffering. May they be happy and joyful. May they be patient and understanding. May they be loving, kind, compassionate, and gentle in their ways. May they be courageous in dealing with difficulties, and always meet with success. May they be diligent and committed to their meditation practice, and to helping others along their spiritual path. May their True Nature shine through, and onto all beings they encounter.
Charles A. Francis is the co-founder and director of the Mindfulness Meditation Institute.

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